About Us

  • New Vision Urban Impact exists to inspire individuals and families from urban communities to discover their purpose through recreation, education, employment, and health.

  • To see urban communities positively impacted through developing, supporting, and empowering local leaders that will change the world around them.


    We teach, encourage, and strengthen individuals as they navigate through life.


    Our work is centered around developing supportive relationships that provide practical tools and resources for others to succeed.


    We want individuals to gain an understanding of their strengths and know what they are capable of so that they can step into their future with confidence.

Growing Problems For Students

  • The average completion rate of the five community colleges surrounding the MidCity San Diego area is 28%.

  • 70% of students entering college are advised to take remedial courses before taking college-level classes.

    Studies show that there is a higher completion rate when students go straight into a college-level course instead of remedial. For students facing this challenge, what do they need most? When a student has an advocate and a support system they are more likely to be successful.

  • Less than 40% of U.S. students who fail to complete their remedial course ever enter or complete their first college-level class.

  • Only 25% of U.S. students reported having a mentor who encouraged them to achieve their goals in college.

Growing Problems For Students In Our Neighborhood

  • Only 50% of students feel safe, comfortable, and supported at school.

  • Only 25% of seniors feel like they are supported in their mental health.

  • Only 33% of seniors feel supported in their post-graduation guidance.

  • 67% of the seniors said yes when asked, "Would you like more help/resources as you prepare to transition from high school to what's next in your life?”

*The data shown above is from a survey we conducted at a local high school in which 1/3 of the students participated.

By developing supportive relationships that encourage purpose and direction, we believe that this data can change and that urban communities can be positively impacted.

We are hopeful for a future where individuals and families in urban communities are supported, safe, and empowered to live out their purpose.

Our Solution